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Neurofeedback: Why it May Be the Best Starting Point for Your Teen or Young Adult

A woman with red hair and her daughter with black hair laying on the floor on the stomachs, resting their heads in their hands, smiling. This represents how neurofeedback for depression katy, tx can help. This also represents how neurofeedback therapy katy, tx and neurofeedback in katy, tx 77494 can help with happiness.

Don't get me wrong. I've been a talk therapist since 2003. Talk therapy has helped and continues to help many people who may be struggling. Talk therapy can help with depression, anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD, trauma, PTSD, and other physical conditions which are expressed through emotional symptoms.

The main point I would like for you to focus on in the previous paragraph is how these emotional challenges are physical conditions which are expressed through emotional symptoms.

Any emotional challenge that may bring you into teen therapy or young adult counseling stems from one place -- your brain. Through genetics, environmental pressures, or a combination of both, your brain may respond through emotional symptoms.

So, to effectively treat this physical condition to help the expression of the symptoms to go away, we have to treat the brain. Talk therapy does so and is considered a "bottom up" approach in getting there. Neurofeedback also treats the brain, and it is considered a "top down" approach.

Talk Therapy as a Bottom-Up Approach in Teen Therapy, Young Adult Counseling, & Family Therapy

Talk therapy is considered a "bottom up" approach as it takes some time, effort, and collaboration between the therapist and the teen, young adult, and/or family to:

  1. Gain a clear clinical understanding of what the emotional challenge is,

  2. Gain a clear clinical understanding of how the emotional challenge developed,

  3. Gain a clear clinical understanding of those things that may be reinforcing the emotional struggles, and

  4. Once the teen, young adult, or family therapist has a clear clinical understanding of the above, they can then recommend an appropriate talk therapy approach to help you overcome or learn to manage the struggle.

It is essential that the talk therapist gain a clear, clinical understanding of what the problem is, how it developed, how it is being reinforced so that they can best treat the problem.

You don't want a talk therapist who jumps right in and starts to treat the problem before they have a good understanding of what the challenges are. How do they know what and how to treat it if they don't know all that the problem entails?

Some newer talk therapists fall into this trap as they feel the pressure to help right away. But it's difficult to help if there is not the understanding of what you are helping with.

In talk therapy, we start at the "bottom" developing a clear clinical understanding of the problem. Then we find ourselves at the "top" utilizing the appropriate talk therapy approach that can then help to train the brain through changing our thoughts, behaviors, and lifestyle.

And talk therapy can be and is very effective for many people. Talk therapy is a great option.

Neurofeedback as a Top Down Approach in Helping Teens & Young Adults

While talk therapy begins at the "bottom" and works its way up to the top, neurofeedback starts from the top. Neurofeedback is able to identify the root cause of the problem from the beginning with the use of brain mapping.

Remember, emotional symptoms stem from a physical organ in your body -- your brain. Your symptoms are emotional expressions of a physical problem. Neurofeedback trains the brain at the source of the problem.

Neurofeedback for our practice, and many others, has very effective in achieving moderate to significant gains in symptom reduction. I believe this is the case due to it being a "top-down" approach. From the start, we identify regions of the brain that are the source(s) of the challenge.

Because of these factors, we can develop a training protocol specific to the needs of your unique brain performance. And once this training protocol is developed, we start training your brain to perform with peak efficiency to help reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

Neurofeedback is considered a "top down" approach because the neurofeedback therapist can see from the brain map the performance of the brain. Training the brain and helping with symptom reduction can start from the beginning as a result.

So, What is Neurofeedback, How Does it Work, & What Does it Look Like?

A brain drawn divided in half with one half being colorful and the other half showing facts and figures and two men drawing on the wall to the side of the brain. This represents how neurofeedback for adhd katy texas can help people focus. This also represents how neurofeedback for anxiety houston texas can help people feel calm.

Neurofeedback is not talk therapy. It is brain training. While we discuss the symptoms you are coming into neurotherapy to address, the remainder of the sessions revolve around brain training.

Some teens and young adults choose to do both neurofeedback and talk therapy together. This would be the ideal approach in treating your physical condition expressed through emotional symptoms.

1st Session: Symptom Identification

A typical course of neurofeedback therapy starts with the initial session. In this session, the neurofeedback therapist will explore the main symptoms you are experiencing and how they impact your life.

Once you review and identify the symptoms you would like to overcome, the neurofeedback therapist will review what neurofeedback is, how it works, the instrumentation, and a typical course of neurofeedback therapy.

2nd Session: Brain Maps

A second session is scheduled where the neurofeedback therapist will record a baseline reading of the electrical signals from your brain (your brain's performance). This is done by the client wearing a cap that looks much like a swimmer's cap. Except this cap has 19 sensors embedded in the cap that records the electrical activity of your brain.

Once this is done, a brain map is completed. The brain map will show which regions of your brain are over or under performing. The brain map is created in both 2D and 3D maps.

Below are examples of both 2D and 3D brain maps using neuroguide software:

A brain map from neuroguide software. This brain map helps a neurofeedback therapist in katy, tx 77494 help the patient they are working with. Many uses for neurofeedback. Neurofeedback for anxiety katy, tx and neurofeedback for depression katy, tx 77494.

A 3 dimensional view of digital representation of a person's brain. This is a brain map that a neurofeedback therapist in katy, tx uses to help people with neurofeedback for adhd katy, tx and neurofeedback for adhd houston texas.

Another 3 dimensional view of a brain map that a neurofeedback therapist katy, tx created using neurofeedback counseling. Neurofeedback for ptsd katy, tx 77494.

A brain map that a neurofeedback therapist in katy, tx created showing digital views of a person's brain and where the brain is over or under performing using neurofeedback in katy, tx 77494.

3rd Session: Review of Brain Maps & Treatment Protocol

Now that the neurofeedback therapist has the brain maps and can identify what regions of the brain need to be trained, the neurofeedback therapist can select a training protocol designed specifically for your brain.

In the third session, the neurofeedback therapist will review the brain maps with you and explain them. They will be able to answer any questions you may have.

Then, the neurofeedback therapist will discuss the options for treatment protocols that are designed specifically to meet your brain's needs. Once a training protocol is selected, training begins.

4th Session & On: Neurofeedback Brain Training

Starting at the 4th, and sometimes even the 3rd sessions of neurofeedback, brain training begins. The cap is placed on the client's head and brain waves monitored.

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, safe, and comfortable approach to reducing or eliminating symptoms. Neurotherapy uses a form of visual and auditory reinforcement for the brain. This is done by watching a show on T.V. or playing a video game.

With the cap on and monitoring your brain's communication in real time, when your brain performs in a manner that would reduce or eliminate your specific symptom, you get to see and hear what is on the T.V.

When your brain performs in a manner that would elicit the symptoms we are working on overcoming, the screen and sound will fade away.

Or, if you are playing the video game, the same principle applies. When your brain is performing in a manner that would train the brain to reduce or eliminate the symptom, you can control the avatar on the screen.

When your brain performs in a manner that would continue the symptoms we are working to overcome, you are not able to control the avatar on the screen.

Through this process, your brain starts to pick up on the patterns. As the brain starts to learn and adjust to the patterns, the performance of the brain improves, and symptoms are reduced or eliminated.

Below is a screen shot of what the video game training looks like.

A picture of a dragon flying over the ocean aiming to fly through a green ring. This is a neurofeedback game used to help train the brain for neurofeedback for adhd katy, tx, neurofeedback for anxiety katy, tx, & neurofeedback for ptsd katy, tx 77494.

The goal is to fly the avatar, in this case, a dragon, through the rings. When your avatar flies through the rings, you earn points and receive an auditory reinforcement. You also receive visual reinforcement when you control the avatar.

What Can Neurofeedback Help With?

Neurofeedback can help with any challenge that talk therapy can treat. For example, neurofeedback has been effective in helping teens and young adults with:

Why I Would Encourage Starting With Neurofeedback Over Talk Therapy

Talk Therapy

In talk therapy, there are variables that a teen counselor or young adult therapist does not have control over. They may be able to influence these variables but invariably, it is the client who controls:

  • Motivation,

  • Resistance,

  • Insight,

  • Understanding,

  • Follow through between sessions with therapy homework, and more.

These variables can directly impact the success rate of talk therapy. This is in part why talk therapy has a lower success rate than neurofeedback (while 75% success rate for talk therapy is still good).

However, these variables are not an issue for neurofeedback.


With neurofeedback, all that is required is for the client to:

  • Show up each session,

  • Sit in a chair designed for comfort,

  • Remain relatively still during training,

  • Remain as relaxed as possible,

  • Limit caffeine use the day of training,

  • Get good sleep, and

  • Watch a show or play a neurofeedback video game.

As long as the teen or young adult can do the above, the chances of successfully helping them reduce or eliminate the symptoms that are causing problems in their lives is higher than talk therapy.

Another major advantage that neurofeedback has over talk therapy is neurofeedback can help with the same challenges that talk therapy can except, neurofeedback can do it without the need for medication.

Why Many People Choose to Start with Talk Therapy Rather Than Neurofeedback

A woman wearing a long sleeved, turtle neck sweater with her finger on her chin, her eyes looking up to the side, thinking. This represents a parent choosing between talk therapy and neurofeedback for depression katy, tx 77494. This also represents a parent making a choice on a neurofeedback therapist in katy, tx and neurofeedback counseling katy, tx 77494.

First, talk therapy is more widely known that neurofeedback. While neurofeedback has been around for a long time, it is only recently that it has become more well known. This in part is due to the advancements in technology.

When considering talk therapy or neurofeedback, there are some things to take into account.


Neurofeedback is more time intensive and therefore more cost intensive up front. For neurofeedback, it is necessary for the teen or young adult to have two sessions weekly at minimum. Because we are training the brain, this is the minimum number of sessions the brain needs to retain and build on each training session.

The average number of sessions for neurofeedback is 40. This turns out to be around 5 months of neurofeedback therapy.

Neurofeedback has had a very high success rate in helping people achieve moderate to significant gains in symptom reduction through learning self-regulation through brain training.

Talk Therapy

While there are some clients who attend talk therapy twice a week, most attend talk therapy once a week. The average number of months we are seeing for talk therapy is around 5-6 months.

Talk therapy also requires that the teen or young adult continue to use the coping skills and tools they learned in therapy after they end therapy. When teens and young adults continue to use the skills and tools learned in therapy, it is not often that they need to come back to talk therapy.

However, it is not uncommon for teens, young adults, and even us adults, that after therapy ends and we start feeling better, our motivation to continue to use these skills and tools may drop. Once this occurs, the teen, young adult, or adult may find themselves returning to talk therapy.

There are times where medication is a part of our maintenance plan as a part of or after talk therapy has ended.

Cost Over the Course of a Lifetime of Talk Therapy to That of Neurofeedback

However, there may be benefits of starting with neurofeedback over talk therapy.


While neurofeedback may be more time and cost intensive up front, over the course of a lifetime, you may end up saving more money in the long run.

With neurofeedback's effectiveness it can help reduce the need for or in some cases, eliminate the need for medication to treat the challenge.

Neurofeedback works at the level of the brain being "top down" approach. We effect change in the brain's performance that is then self-reinforcing and long-term changes occur as a result without the need for medication.

Talk Therapy

As talk therapy is a "bottom up" approach, long term success depends on many factors that are only within the control of the client.

With talk therapy being a "bottom up" approach, it requires the teen or young adult to maintain the behavioral and cognitive changes they have learned in therapy. And depending on the nature and severity of the challenges they came into address; medication may be required to maintain the changes.

Talk Therapy With Specialists in Teen Therapy & Young Adult Counseling a Great Option for Those Who Choose the Talk Therapy Route

While it may not be feasible for some to begin neurofeedback, due to current time or cost restraints, talk therapy is still a great option. And keep in mind, there are differences between generalist practice therapists and specialty therapists when it comes to successful outcomes in talk therapy.

If you have a teen or young adult, finding a therapist who specializes in working with teens and young adults will increase your chances of success. Working with teens and young adults is much different than working with adults and requires specialized experience.

Katy Teen & Family Counseling: Board Certified in Neurofeedback Katy, TX & Houston

When we have a teen or young adult who is struggling, it can be challenging to know where to turn. At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we have a neurotherapist Board Certified in Neurofeedback. We also have another neurotherapist who has been providing neurofeedback since 2013.

At our Katy, TX location of Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we are ready to help your teen or young adult. If you are ready to start, all you need to do is follow these three simple steps:

  1. Contact Katy Teen & Family Counseling

  2. Talk with one of our caring neurotherapists

  3. Start the healing today

Other Therapy and Counseling Services Offered at Katy Teen & Family Counseling

At Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we provide a variety of therapy approaches that are supported by research and shown to be effective. Some of the teen therapy and young adult counseling we offer are:

Board Certified Neurofeedback Therapy

Peak performance (optimal academic brain performance)

Peak performance (optimal athletic brain performance)

PTSD counseling ​

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR Therapy)

Group Therapy for Teens

Body Image

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling can be very effective. The secret ingredients to success is each person willing to look at themselves and work to do things differently, together. When a marriage counselor or couples therapist has this to work with, the success rate can be very high.

Sometimes life will throw challenges at us that create situations that put strain on our marriage or relationship. It may be due to:

  • Choices and actions that have been made by one partner.

  • Financial downturn in the economy creating financial strain.

  • Feeling like you're growing apart.

  • Feeling like you don't have as much in common as you used to.

Whatever the reason may be, marriage counseling and couples therapy can help. Couples therapy and marriage counseling has also been found to work in less time than individual therapy.

If you've worked hard for this relationship and find that there are now barriers in the way of maintaining a healthy relationship, contact us at Katy Teen & Family Counseling.

About the Author

A man wearing a mint green polo shirt, folding his arms, he has a beard, is wearing glasses, and is smiling in front of a logo for katy teen and family counseling.  He is board certified in neurofeedback and is a neurofeedback therapist in katy, tx 77494. He also provides neurofeedback for anxiety katy, tx, neurofeedback for adhd katy, tx, neurofeedback for depression katy, tx, and neurofeedback for autism spectrum disorder katy, tx 77494.

Jason Drake is a Licensed Clinical Worker - Supervisor (LCSW-S), Board Certified in Neurofeedback, EMDR trained, and a Certified Brain Health Professional through the Amen Clinics. He has provided therapy to teens, young adults, and families since 2003 and is the Owner & Lead Clinician at Katy Teen & Family Counseling and Katy Counseling for Men.

He specializes in leading teams of high performing therapists who also specialize in teen therapy, counseling young adults, and family counseling.

Jason is also a leader in the field of teen, young adult, and family counseling providing expert coaching and technical assistance to teen Residential Treatment Centers across the country.

Jason is also a regular contributor to various magazines and publications lending his expertise to various mental health related topics. You can check these articles out on our "Featured Articles" service page on our website.

He has also been a guest on Fox 26 Houston and on a podcast, "Grow a Group Practice" with Alison Pidgeon.

If you are ready to start teen counseling or young adult therapy call, text, or email us today!

Phone Number: 281-519-6364

The logo for a therapy practice specializing in teen counseling and young adult therapy called katy teen and family counseling located in katy, tx 77494. Providing specialized therapy including neurofeedback treatment katy, tx and neurofeedback for panic attacks katy, tx 77494.

The logo for a neurofeedback therapist who is board certified in neurofeedback through BCIA. Providing neurofeedback in katy, tx and neurofeedback in houston, tx.

The logo for a neurofeedback therapist who is also a certified brain health professional through the Amen Clinics. Providing neurofeedback treatment katy, tx and neurofeedback treatment houston, tx.

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